
Interview with Lisa Thompson

Ben Gottlieb

This is the second post in a series featuring Drake Employees across Canada. My name is Ben Gottlieb, and as Drake International’s Marketing Intern for the summer I will be sharing profiles on some of Drake’s staff, and their experiences with the company so far.


Lisa Thompson is the Branch Manager for Drake International’s Calgary office. Lisa’s team consists of seven people, and she has been working with Drake for almost three years. 


Q: Do you have a specialty within your role as a Drake Branch Manager?

A: Primarily I love to focus on working within the Industrial Service Sector. This means placing people in the Transportation and Logistics Industry in all types of roles including forklift, production workers, Team Leads, Warehouse Managers and Administrative Coordinators. I love matching talented individuals with great companies. I also specialize in large account management.


Q: How did you find Drake?

A: Originally - 50 years ago! I was a baby and a family member worked as a Branch Manager. Forty-eight years later, I joined the team after 16 years in the staffing industry.


Q: What do you like most about your team?

A: What is not to love? They are hardworking, creative, and have a passion for placing candidates into their dream jobs. Recently, I've been working with both the Calgary and Edmonton team. All of these individuals go above and beyond to help service their clients and candidates.


Q: What do you like most about working at Drake?
A: I love that I have the freedom to make this business my own. Drake has given me the opportunity to mentor new staff and find creative solutions for my client. I also have an amazing Manager who lets me do what it takes to get the job done.


Q: What were your primary high and low traits from the results of your Drake P3 personality assessment? A: My high traits are Dominance and Extroversion (within a point of each other). My low trait is conformity.


Q: How do you think your P3 results play into the way you like to work?

A: I talk to everyone! My husband always asks me why I find the need to speak to people on elevators, and in the grocery line. My answer is simple. You never know if someone is looking for a job - or looking for great employees - unless you ask. My low conformity means I never do things just because that is the way it is supposed to be done. I always look for exciting ways to shake it up a bit.


Q: Does your team have traits similar to you? How do you think this affects the way you interact?

A: We are a mixed team! I am so glad that we are - because it allows us to look at the overall picture when servicing clients and candidates.


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