
Drake International launches portal to address biotech industry's HR needs

Drake Editorial Team

On May 11, 2015 - Drake International, a global innovator in the field of human resources, recruitment, performance improvement, and consultative management; and a partner of BioTalent Canada's, has launched a new portal to help address the HR needs of small to medium-sized biotech enterprises. The new portal, called Intelligent Help, is a one-stop-shop for growing businesses who rely on outside support for maintaining their HR services. BioTalent Canada's labour market report, Sequencing the Data, identified that 75% of small and medium-sized biotech companies across Canada lack a formal HR branch or department. Intelligent Help is specifically designed to address the HR needs of small and mid-size businesses, with support tools and services to manage talent needs effectively, while reducing the costs that impact the bottom line.


"We were happy to work with our partner BioTalent Canada to identify specific pain points found within the biotech industry in Canada, and highlight cost-effective solutions through Intelligent Help," says Maysa Hawwash, National Manager for Drake's Talent Management Solutions. "This unique portal is the perfect solution that allows users access to a full range of talent management solutions, while keeping HR costs low, and business performance operations high."


Intelligent Help's services include:

  • Personality and Skills Assessments: a quick and easy assessment test to help companies select the right fit, onboard new hires and identify and develop talent
  • Health and Safety Academy: an online solution that provides all-inclusive packages for health and safety training
  • HR Helpline: a support service that provides access to HR experts for compliant HR advice by either phone or email
  • Other specially designed solutions to address the Human Capital challenges of small to medium-sized biotech enterprises


"The success of Canada's biotech sector has been built on a foundation of small and medium-sized enterprises," says Rob Henderson, President and CEO of BioTalent Canada. "We have built a reputation for providing support and information to small and medium-sized enterprises through various programs and partner initiatives. Programs like Drake International's Intelligent Help provide people management guidance and best practices for Canada's bio-economy. We support its entry to the market whole-heartedly."


 About BioTalent

The HR partner of Canada's bio-economy. As an HR expert and national non-profit organization, BioTalent Canada focuses on building partnerships and skills for Canada's bio-economy to ensure the industry has access to job-ready people. Through projects, research and product development BioTalent Canada connects employers with job seekers, delivers human resource information and skills development tools so the industry can focus on strengthening Canada's biotech business. For more information please visit www.biotalent.ca.

 About Drake International 

Drake International is widely recognized as global innovators in the field of Talent Management Solutions and Profit Improvement. Founded in Winnipeg in 1951 and now operating in 10 countries around the world, Drake not only offers a comprehensive assortment of Talent Management Solutions that focus on improving performance, productivity, recruiting, retention, organizational culture, leadership, and customer satisfaction, but also partners directly with its clients to implement the solutions in order to "engineer the end result" of profit improvement.

 Original press release: http://cnw.ca/2uzBDM 

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